There are numerous of miralces done by Guru Raghavendra. For the sake of brevity. He restored the life of a young boy (the son of the village chieftain) who died after falling into a vessel in which PanchAmruta was stored.
By his grace Venkanna, a total illiterate, was able to read a message given to the Nawab of Adoni, eventually rise to the position of Diwan.
He threw the pearl necklace gifted by the king of Tanjore into the fire (for purification) and restored it back intact.
The Nawab of Adoni offered meat in a plate covered by a cloth, as Naivedya to the Lord. Raghavendra Swamy knew what was going on and quietly converted the meat into different types of fruits.
The Nawab was scared that his effrontery would be punished, so he begged the forgiveness of Swamy, which was readily accorded. In return, Swamy asked him to gift the village of Mantralaya.
On Shravana Bahula Bidige (the second day in the dark fortnight of the moon, in the month of Shravana) in 1671, he entered the Brindavana alive. Only one person had done it before - Sri Vadiraja tiirtha.
Appanacharya, his favorite disciple, lived in a village across the river, very close to Mantralaya. When Appanacharya heard the news that his guru was about to enter the brindavana, he immediately rushed towards Mantralaya. He was so overcome by devotion and sorrow that he did not notice that the river was in spate. His heart full of devotion for his beloved guru, he composed a stotra in his honor. This is the famous stotra which starts "Sri Poornabodha..". By guruji's grace he was able to walk across the river in full spate, but could not make it in time. Just as he entered the location, the final stone was lowered over the Brindavana. He was overcome with emotion and broke down, unable to complete the stotra. Then, from the Brindavana, Raghavendra Swamy uttered the words "Sakshi Haya stotraHi" and completed the stotra composed by Appancharya. This stotra is recited by devotees everyday. Its recitation brings about various beneficial effects.