Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daily Practice Pranayama ensures perfect health of the mind and body.

Pranayama practices are ranked right in the focus. This is not just a coincidence. Breath is said to link the mind with the universal force. The most visible link connecting the mind and the body, a yogi controls his mind by learning to control his breath.

Yogic Practices tended to make the practitioner over-involved with the body, or egotistic, encouraged pranayama as a great tool in mind-control.

Practicse Method:
Sit up with spine erect, in any meditative pose. Close eyes. Place hands in the mudra of your choice, ideally chin or jnana mudra, with tips of thumb and index finger touching. Remember, even the pressure on the index finger may have opposite/varying impact. The index finger is related to the element of air or vayu. Touching the index finger tip gently increases the air element. Pressing it down controls or decreases it. Therefore, the pressure or lack of it may be decided as per your personality or even the current flow of vata element in the body. When yoga is practiced without understanding such intricacies, people tend to aggravate existing problems.Inhale gently and with control through the nostrils, but exert a soft pressure at the throat so a sibilant sound arises, like a gentle snore. Exhale with the same sound. This is one round. There must be no pressure on the face. The sound must be soft and smooth. Any jerky exertion must be avoided. You may do up to nine rounds comfortably. Once you get the hang of this breath, it may be practiced anywhere. Just remember that though it is an extremely tranquillizing breath, it is also a heating practice.It is also an ideal breath to be practiced as you do your yoga asanas, or during surya namaskar.

Pranayama is one of the perfect tool in your mind-control.

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